Become a Member
Our members are a vital link in making the connecting between people and wildlife through rehabilitation and education. It is our members, through their financial support, that purchase the formula to care for the infant cottontails, squirrels, raccoons, and foxes. It is our members that pay for the x-rays and surgeries for the brave young pelican, the endangered peregrine falcon, and all of the injured owls and hawks. The loon caught in the fishing line, the orphaned infant badger, and the great blue heron caught by a fishing lure – all of these animals have our members to thank for providing the medical supplies, food, shelter, and skilled staff that helped them to be free and wild again.
The Benefits of Membership
Advanced and Exclusive Invitations to upcoming WINC Events
By joining the Wildlife In Need Center as a member, you will receive invitations and discounts to special events, opening up opportunities for you to connect with other WINC supporters as well as our staff, volunteers, and even our animals! The Wildlife In Need Center hosts many fun, unique, and interesting events throughout the year to support the wild animals that come through our doors.
Wildlife Tracks
Members receive a subscription to Wildlife Tracks, our members-only newsletter detailing all the interesting animals, exciting rescues, upcoming events, and educational opportunities here at the center.
The knowledge that you play a critical role in helping thousands of animals and educating your friends and neighbors about living with the wild creatures with whom we share our backyards.
Online Membership Registration
If you would prefer to not sign up for WINC’s annual membership online, you can fill out our Membership Form and email it to or mail it to:
Wildlife In Need Center
W349 S1480 S. Waterville Road
Oconomowoc, WI 53066